Manage Commercial Facility Repairs With Integrated Facility Management

Common Plumbing Repairs For Commercial Facilities

Plumbing issues are unavoidable with commercial facilities. As with any common space, the more people you have the higher the likelihood you’ll experience some kind of plumbing problem. Some of these are relatively easy fixes while others will require outside assistance. Here are the top five common plumbing repairs for commercial facilities.

commercial plumbing vendor management, charleston scWater supply issues

Both hot water supply problems and low-pressure issues can be related to the water heater. Sediment build-up can “trick” the hot water tank into thinking there’s more water than there is. In addition, some building owners will set the hot water temperature lower than it should be to save energy costs. While you can easily remediate the latter, sediment build-up will require professional assistance at some point.

Beyond that, low-pressure issues can be a result of damaged pipes or clogs in the supply line. In all cases, your best bet is to call a plumber for assistance.

Clogged pipes

Regardless of whether it’s a toilet, sink, or another fixture, water has to drain somewhere. These pipes can eventually clog, causing a backup in your facility. Sometimes it’s due to expected usage while other times people flush or dump things they shouldn’t, such as feminine higiene products and paper towels.

Repairing clogged pipes can be an easy in-house fix. An auger, sometimes called a snake, is an easy way to unclog a drain. If that doesn’t work, a certified plumber can use a system called jetting. This is a high-powered stream of water that can clear stubborn clogs. Finally, as a last resort, a pipe may need to be excavated if roots have penetrated it, creating an obstruction that neither of the first two methods can fix.

Broken fixtures

Both broken toilet handles and leaky faucets can add small yet significant increases to your monthly water usage. Both are relatively easy fixes. Often, with a leaky faucet, a replacement washer is enough to mitigate the issue. The next step is to replace the gasket, and depending on your skill level, may require the assistance of a plumber.

Toilet handles are one of, if not the most common, plumbing-related fixtures that break in a commercial facility. Depending on how the toilet is built, replacing a broken toilet handle may require an entirely new tank assembly.

Running toilets

Adding to the ways broken toilets can increase your water usage, a running toilet is something to fix ASAP. This could be as simple as the ball float needing adjusted, a new flapper, or a broken ball chain. Generally speaking, it’s not difficult to repair a running toilet in-house, though if none of these solutions work you’ll need to call a plumber.

Silent leaks

Silent leaks don’t make themselves apparent until there is some kind of structural damage, usually starting with circles on the ceiling. There isn’t a quick fix for this other than to shut off the water supply and contact a plumber.

integrated facility management call center, charlotte ncAvoiding common plumbing repairs for commercial facilities

As with any piece of equipment in your building, proactive preventative maintenance is the key to avoiding repair. While some repairs are unavoidable due to outside factors, working with an Integrated Facility Maintenance company can help keep you on top of unexpected plumbing repairs.

If you’d like to learn more about how LESCO 360 can help, call us at 866-947-5044 or fill out our website contact form.